Fisherman's Soap
Eliminating Fish smell, Skunk odor, Onion scent and Cigarette fumes
This product combats many different smells and has a wide variety of applications. It has been very effectively used by scientists and by those who work in the fishing industry. It also helps clean aquariums, to remove the skunk odors, and to clean fishing tackle.
Scientists who work for higher institutions, governments or corporations probably do not want to walk around smelling of fish. Unfortunately, smells can linger on anything that comes in contact with fish or sea life, including people, clothes, and tools. For those working for conservation of marine life, Fisherman's Soap is the perfect solution. It is safe to use and has no toxins so it does not harm the environment. It is also relatively cheap.
It also has beneficial applications to many fishing industries. Cleaning up after processing sea food and eliminating its odors can be made quick and easy. This applies to individuals who work with oysters, shrimp, clams, scallops, lobsters and crabs. For all of these, equipment, boats, and workers must all be kept clean.
In aquariums, sometimes bacterial growth becomes overwhelming. In these situations, it is important to clean out the entire tank. To assist with this process, combine Fishermans Soap with warm water. Then apply this solution to the bottom and sides of the tank. Make sure to rinse thoroughly afterwards, and before refilling the tank with water. Before replacing and dirty and grimy aquarium decorations, these can also be cleaned off with the same soapy warm water solution. Make sure you rinse off all residue before returning them to the tank.
Thee Fishermans Soap is also beneficial for use on larger pets. When dogs come in contact with skunks and get sprayed, it can eliminate those odors. It's effects last, unlike treatments with tomatoes, which mask the scent until it wears off. Shampoos will not be strong enough. But this brand has been successfully used by customers to clean their pets of the offensive odor.
Finally, tackle gear smells can be eliminated. First remove all equipment and rinse out the container with Fishermans Soap and warm water. Make sure to get every hinge and compartment. Then dry with a towel. Clean all equipment and wash hands as well. During the washing process, human odors will be washed away. Therefore it is unnecessary to add artificial fish scent to mask human odors.
This brand of soap has many useful applications. It can help fish and marine professionals maintain an odor free appearance and environment. Further it helps with cleaning and odor elimination for several marine industries. It can clean aquariums and tackle, and even fight off the perfume of a skunk. It has no chemicals and can be purchased cheaply.